Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rescuing Bella a Pit Bull Puppy

I decided to start this blog to help raise awareness on the Pit Bull breed.   We rescued Bella from a farm when she was 14 weeks old.  She was rescued on Sunday Jan 24th 2010.  We have another rescued dog who is three and a half years old and she is a Lab mix.  Her name is Boo Boo and she welcomed Bella into our home with open paws.  Bella is now only six months old and I will get up to speed with her progress as quickly as possible so that anyone who is training a Pit Bull or any puppy can read to see her progress. You will also be able to gain helpful tips on training a new puppy as Boo Boo is a great dog as she can do all of the tricks and some really cool ones too like she can count and I shoot her with my fake finger gun and she drops and puts her feet up.  Tricks are one thing but crate training, leash walking, potty training and all aspects of raising a puppy will be covered.  We had great success with our first puppy Boo Boo and I am certain that we will have the same success with Bella
First thing Monday morning Jan 25th we took Bella to the vet for a once over and to make sure that she was given her shots correctly and all the other fun stuff they do to new puppies.  Turns out that she needed to have additional worming medication and she had a bad ear mite infestation. We were given all the medication needed to cure her and we were back home to get used to her new surroundings.

We had crate trained our Lab mix so we were very prepared to get Bella used to her new sleeping arrangements.  Bella had spent all of her previous life outside in a pen and only had a blue tarp that was on top of the pen to try and keep the rain off her as well as a small dog house she called home.  Bella went through the very cold Central Florida winter months outside and I was amazed that she made it through all those continuous cold night and days. The first night in the crate was not a very good one as well as the first week in the crate. Bella ended up with bad diarrhea due to the worming medicine that they had put her on and probably had a nervous stomach since she was in new surroundings  Life was not good at our house the first week as Bella would explode at least one to two times a night and her bedding had to be changed in the middle of the night.  I felt like I had an infant but the infant did not have a diaper on so it was not a good scene.

The next few weeks got better as Bella was no longer on the worming medication and she was getting used to going outside kind of.  It is funny how she spent the whole first 3 months of her life relieving herself outside and the first month with me going in the house on too many occasions.  Needless to say we got through the rough spots with that but it took a lot of patience and a few tricks that I will share with you.

Bella will be raised with a ton of love and understanding and no knowledge that she is a Pit Bull.  She will think that she is just another dog unless someone tells her but I have sworn my family to secrecy.  She will learn the good habits of her elder Boo Boo and be taught that she has a place in the family and that she is not a scary dog that should be feared.  She will be raised to be balanced and have boundaries as Boo Boo does.  She will be a great family dog and she will not be treated as if she has a disease because she is a Pit Bull.

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