Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Moving with your Dogs

We decided to get Bella about a month before we were moving.  There is a lot to consider when you are moving into a new house and you have a dog.  It is important to have some extra understanding that your dog will be anxious during a move.  My dogs knew something was going on as they saw the boxes getting piled up and things around them disappearing.  If you are able to bring your dog to the new home before the move it will help the transition.  We had access to my new home about a month before we actually moved in so we brought the dogs out there as much as possible during the month before we moved and everything went seamlessly.  We just needed to pick out the dog's sleeping arrangements.

Boo Boo already sleeps in with our son so Bella will be sleeping in the guest bed room.  It is important to pick out a spot for the crate and try to leave it there to do the crate training.  We purchased a new crate for Bella that had a movable divider inside it. I made sure the crate was big enough for her as she grows.  I bought a large size crate since she will be a pretty big dog when she is at the end of her puppy stage. 

Just leave enough room in the crate for your puppy to be able to turn around in.  If the puppy has too much room you will end up with accidents in the crate.  The crate will help potty train your puppy. As Bella grows I will move the divider and make the crate bigger for her.  I have taught Bella that her crate is where she goes to sleep and where she goes when we leave the house.  I taught her to go to her crate when I say "crate Bella".  Boo Boo learned to go to her crate with Night Night.  Whatever it is you want to say to get them to understand that when you say the word they go into the crate.  Boo Boo was out of her crate around the 9 month mark.  I think that Bella will not need as long in the crate as Boo Boo.  Bella is not as much of a spaz as Boo was when she was Bella's age.  I wash the bedding in the crate once a week. 

I had a friend tell me that she read that the crate could be viewed as a punishment to the puppy.  The crate is not any form of punishment unless you make it that way.  I gently coaxed Bella into her crate and had her lay down and would pet her for a few minutes.  The crate should be a place they go to wind down as well.  Puppies need down time as much as play time.  Don't forget to make sure you take off your puppy's collar before putting it in the crate.  It is very dangerous to leave the collar on and it will be more comfortable for the puppy without it on in the crate.  Crate training is in my opinion the best way to train your puppy.  It keeps your puppy safe while you are away from the home and it also keeps your belongings intact.  It is great for your sanity as well.  I will talk about more crate training tips as I go and as I get Bella to do different things I will update on that.  Bella is not giving me a hard time at all with the crate.  She is happy to go to her crate when told and it looks like the crate training with Bella is turning out to be a success.

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